What is water jet weaving? Describe the working process with advantages.

Water jet weaving

Water jet weaving means weaving on a water jet loom. A water jet loom is the same as an air jet loom but uses water instead of air to transport yarn around the shed. Water jet weaving is only suitable for yarns of hydrophobic nature such as polyester PET, acetate CA or polyamide. Despite only hydrophobic materials being used for water-jet weaving, one has to dry the fabric afterward.

Water jet weaving machine

Working process of water jet loom

The water jet loom is a shuttleless loom that uses a jet of water to pull the weft yarn across the shed. The frictional traction force of the water jet weft insertion on the weft yarn is larger than that of the jet weft insertion, and the diffusibility is small, and it is suitable for the weft insertion of the synthetic fiber and the glass fiber which is smooth on the surface.

Advantages of water jet loom

1. The water jet loom machine consumes less power than others.

2. This type of loom is suitable for producing synthetic fabric.

3. The production rate is higher. It can reach up to 2000 PPM

4. It creates less noise than rapier and other looms.

5. It can overcome the static electricity caused by the conductivity of synthetic fiber.

6. The production efficiency is extremely high. Disadvantages of water jet loom

7. By using hard water, there may form rust on the yarn.

8. It is not perfect for Hydrophilic yarn such as cotton. 


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