What is 5S system? Describe objective and application of the 5S system.

5S system

5S system is a workplace organization technique that uses a list of five Japanese words: seiri, seiton, seisō, seiketsu, and shitsuke. These will be as sort, set in order, shine, standardized, and sustain. The list describes how to identify and store used items, maintain a region and items, and organize a workplace for efficiency and effectiveness by maintaining new orders. The decision-making process usually comes from standardization-related conversations that create an understanding among employees about how their work should be done. In addition to the specific stand-alone method, the 5S system is often seen as an extensive construction element known as visual control, visual workplace, or visual factory.

5S system

Objective and application of the 5S system

A. Sort/seiri

Seiri is sorting through all the items in a location and removing all unnecessary items from the location.


i. Reduce the time spent searching for an item by reducing the number of unnecessary items.

ii. Reduce the possibility of confusion by unnecessary items.

iii. Simplification inspection.

iv. Increase the amount of available, useful space.

v. Increase security by removing barriers.


i. Examine all items in a location and evaluate whether their presence in the location is useful or necessary.

ii. Remove unnecessary items as soon as possible. These cannot be deleted immediately in a 'red tag area' so it is easy to delete them later.

iii. Keep the floor virtually clean, except for the items used in the production.

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B. Set in order / seiton

Seiton is putting them in the best place they need to be to perform their tasks in the workplace.


Make the workflow smooth and easy.


i. Arrange the workstations in such a way that all the equipment/tools are intensive, easy to reach the scene, and in a logical order adapted to the task at hand. Frequently use the material as you get closer to the workplace.

ii. Arrange all the necessary items so that they can be easily selected for use. Make it easy to find and pick the necessary items.

iii. Set a static position for items. Use clear labels, symbols, or hints to make it easier for items to return to the correct location and to identify missing items.

C. Shine / Seiso

Seiso are cleaning and inspects workplaces, equipment, and machinery on a regular basis.


i. The manufacturing process improves efficiency and safety, reduces waste, and prevents defects and errors.

ii. Keep the workplace safe and easy to operate.

iii. Keep the workplace clean and enjoy working on it.

iv. When in place, anyone unfamiliar with the environment must be able to detect a problem within 15 meters in 5 seconds.


i. Clean workplaces and equipment on a daily basis or in any other suitable cleaning system.

ii. Inspect workplaces and equipment during cleaning.

D. Standardize/seiketsu

Seiketsu is about manipulating the processes used to sort, order, and clean the workplace.


Establish procedures and schedules to ensure the repetition of the first three ‘S’ exercises.


i. Develop a work structure that will support new practices and make them part of the daily routine.

ii. Make sure you know the responsibilities of each of them to pick, organize, and clean.

iii. Photos and visual controls help keep everything the way it should be.

iv. Regularly review the status of 5S system applications using monitoring checklists.

E. Sustain/self-discipline/shitsuke

Shitsuke or sustainable is a process developed by workers' self-discipline.


Make sure the 5S method is followed.


i. Organize training sessions.

ii. Monitor regularly to ensure that all defined values are applied and followed.

iii. Apply improvements whenever possible. Staff inputs can be extremely valuable for identifying improvements.

iv. When problems occur, identify the causes and apply the necessary changes to avoid recurrence.

Advantages of the 5S system in the textile industry

i. 5S ensure Health and Safety

ii. The base of implementation of quality improvement

iii. It Increases productivity

iv. It saves time, cost, and storage space

v. It minimizes accidents & mistakes

vi. It increases efficiency

vii. It creates workplace ownership

viii. This is the first step for Lean procedures

ix. IT increases customer satisfaction

x. It reduces inventory time

xi. It reduces downtime, wastage

xii. It gives a good working environment

xiii. Visualization and labeling

xiv. It boosts morale

xv. It improves the company's image

xvi. It optimizes organization and workplace as per requirement

xvii. It gives routine-wise work schedules and visual Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) everywhere

xviii. For this reason, everybody knows their working responsibility where and when.


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