Organic Cotton | Difference between organic and non-organic cotton | Advantages

Organic Cotton

Organic Cotton

Organic cotton is that cotton is grown naturally without using any chemicals or pesticides. In subtropical countries like India, Turkey, China, and parts of The USA from non-genetically modified plants, and without the use of any chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides aside from the ones allowed by certified organic labeling and it develops biodiversity and biological cycles. In The United States, the requirements applied by the National Organic Program (NOP) from the USDA to be considered organic for cotton planting must also be met. The agency sets out approved practices for pest control, growth, fertilizer, and organic crop management.

Production process

Organic cotton production does not mean the absence of inorganic synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, it involves very careful planning of the entire agricultural system. Organic cotton, in general, is grown using methods and materials that have less impact on the environment with organic production systems and reduce the use of organic pesticides, fertilizers, and create a biologically diversified agricultural system.

Green cotton ball

Organic cotton production uses natural chemicals such as sulfur dust and BT, not insect-resistant biotech cotton and bio-control agents in pest-resistant and pest management, and in organic acid-based leaf sprays such as citric acid and nitric acid.

Advantages of organic cotton-

i. Cost-saving because of not using fertilizer and other synthetic chemicals.

ii. Naturally colored cotton is 20-40% cheaper than non-organic cotton.

iii. Get a higher price on organic cotton and product.

iv. Soft texture in organic cotton.

v. All products are best for children

vi. It is an eco-friendly product.

vii. It reduced the risk of human beings

viii. Protect surface and groundwater quality

ix. Replacement reduces the risk of pest and disease control pesticides with ecosystem manipulation

x. Long-term prevention of pests through beneficial habitat planting

xi. Biodiversity conservation

xii. Avoid the use of toxic chemicals in cotton

xiii. Organically grown crops produce soils with higher organic matter content, denser topsoil depth, higher polysaccharide content, and lower modulus of cracks; therefore reducing the erosion to a sufficient extent.

Difference between organic and non-organic cotton

Organic cotton


i. Organic cotton is defined as cotton that is grown naturally without the use of any chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides.

i. Non-organic cotton is defined as cotton that is grown with the use of chemicals such as fertilizers or pesticides.

ii. This is a chemical-free process that doesn’t use any insecticides or pesticides.

ii. Must use different types of synthetic chemicals.

iii. Not required toxic chemicals to harvest the plant.

iii. Required toxic chemicals to harvest the plant.

iv. Use untreated seeds

iv. Use chemically treated seeds

v. Doesn’t use GMO seeds

v. Must use GMO seeds to make the plant resistant to bugs

vi. For irrigation, rainwater is required.

vi. Intensive irrigation is required


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